Hi Justin. I use Eclipse, and whether you use CFBuilder or CFEclipse, you
can indeed work directly over ftp. However, it's never off the shelf with
Eclipse and you need the wonderful Aptana plugin for decent FTP (I believe
that CFBuilder is using Aptana for ftp and comes with it built in...

Once you have Aptana and CFEclipse, google "Aptana CFEclipse FTP". The
guides will probably tell you about creating a Sync project but this is
unnecessary (useful if you want local projects though). You can use Aptana's
File view to browse your ftp sites directly (Window -> Show view -> Other...
-> Aptana standard views -> File). In fact, this probably works with CF
Builder if I'm right about it coming with Aptana.

Once you're on top of the Eclipse way of doing things, it makes a whole heap
of sense; there are niggles and the road isn't always smooth, but the
breadth of what you can plug in to it makes it perfect for me.



2009/11/9 Justin Scott <jscott-li...@gravityfree.com>

> > I've been using Dreamweaver for the last couple iterations (7 through
> > CS4) and I'm done.  Can't stand it anymore.  I'm a coder, not a
> > drag/drop, re-write horrible code that the wizards generate.
> I'm trying to figure out how to get HomeSite+ 5.5 to work with Windows 7
> myself.  Seems like no matter what I try it will not open/save files over
> FTP (whether through its internal FTP shell extension, an external shell
> app
> like WebDrive, or a mapped folder in Windows that goes to FTP).  I know
> it's
> no longer supported, but it does everything I need and does it very well.
> I'm actually giving Dreamweaver CS4 a shot right now and am not liking it,
> so I'm interested in what others have to say about IDEs also.
> I tried the beta for ColdFusion builder, but its workflow doesn't seem to
> like mine.  It wants you to define RDS servers and create projects before
> you can even save files.  My environment has hundreds of sites distributed
> over dozens of servers and I may not work on a site for months (or years)
> between changes.  Essentially I need to be able to open a file via FTP,
> make
> some changes, and save it again without defining a project and going
> through
> all that jazz.  Dreamweaver does this without a lot of fuss, but it has a
> lot of quirks that I'm not liking much so far.  CF Builder won't let me
> save
> a file unless a project is defined, which I see as an epic fail on Adobe's
> part (either because it can't, or because they make it so hard that a
> seasoned developer like me can't manage to figure it out).  The "E" editor
> (clone of TextMate on the Mac) handles the FTP well, but even with the
> ColdFusion textmate bundles installed it doesn't provide the same sort of
> tag and function insight that an editor made with ColdFusion in mind
> (HomeSite+, Dreamweaver, CF Builder) can do.
> In short, I'd really like to stick with HomeSite if I can find a way to
> make
> integrated remote FTP work since it does everything I need and does it
> well.
> I understand Adobe's reasoning for dropping support, but it would be nice
> if
> they released the source code so those who want to keep it alive could do
> so
> (though that would compete with a revenue stream, so I understand why they
> would like it to pass silently into the night).
> Anyway, maybe I'm missing something in CF Builder that would allow it to,
> you know, save a file without a project, or maybe I'm missing something is
> Dreamweaver's settings to change some of the things I dislike (line wrap
> stuff, the way it docks the file selection window, saving files to its
> built-in FTP site and actually have it to go the server instead of a local
> folder, etc...).
> -Justin Scott

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