At 08:36 AM 12/13/00 -0800, you wrote:
>Ok, this is meant as no shameless plug but I read on their website:
>UPS expects to receive 5 million tracking requests on their website per day
>especially on their peak days (it reads something like that)
>Your mission: build a Cold Fusion application for UPS that could handle such
>a beating, how would you do this?  Bear in mind:
>1) You will have to search through a database of approximately 245 million
>records (packages delivered)

Delivered in what time period? I'm sure that a certain time after a package 
is delivered the record is removed from the live database on the website. A 
few days after the package is delivered it isn't worth it to allow people 
to search the tracking, is it? I would definitely remove records a few days 
after delivery. Then there aren't so many records and I'm not sure your 
count is accurate at that point.

I checked UPS three times yesterday for the same package.

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