Thank you.

With the help of a friend we've now come up with this which seems to do the job:

<cfquery datasource="datasource" name="getSlides">
        SELECT myslide from slides

<cfdirectory action="list" directory="C:\uploadsdir" name="uploads" >
<cfquery dbtype="query" name="orphans">
    SELECT *
    FROM uploads
    WHERE not in (#QuotedValueList(getSlides.myslide)#)


On 17 Nov 2009, at 16:31, wrote:

> Try Googling "left outer join in a ColdFusion query of query".
> If you have the two result sets there, left outer the DB list to the
> directory list to find items in the directory for which there is no
> matching database record.
> As for performance, depending on the size of the result sets (less than
> 5-6 thousand records), you might get just as much performance by simply
> looping over the directory list and doing a q of q for each item on the
> database list.
> Just try it see how it performs.  If this is just a nightly job you
> might not even care how long it takes.
> ~Brad
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Query of query with cfdirectory
> From: Stefan Richter <>
> Date: Tue, November 17, 2009 10:13 am
> To: cf-talk <>
> Hi all,
> The task at hand is to find a series of orphaned folders. I want to
> delete all folders in a certain directory which do not have a matching
> DB record.
> I was wondering if this is possible (or accept any other tips): 
> I have a 'query' which is the result of a cfdirectory action="list". I
> now would like to find any records in that query that do not exist in
> the resultset of a second query (this second one is a database query).
> Is there a way to combine these two queries to get a resultset that just
> holds those items which do not exist in the second query? I know i could
> loop and query each record but wondered if there's a more efficient way,
> maybe a query of two other queries?
> Cheers 
> Stefan

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