Get yourself and VPS at and host all you want
on the VPS.  I got mine for $100 per month, including CF8.  I traded off
some of the things I didn't want on the VPS for a lower price than stated.

No downtime and great support now for about 2 years.


-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Soo [] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 1:23 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Looking for a CF 8 host

Well, it's been a long time since I've participated on this list...I'm 
still using CF 6.1 MX.  Haven't been doing full-time web dev for the past 6 
yrs or so but now I'm trying to do it full-time again.  Spent a couple of 
months learning ASP.NET but am not impressed.  Lots of cool demos and 
samples but once you try to take full control of the details and layout, it 
seems to me that you get back into the same hand-coding that you do with 
PHP and Coldfusion.  So for the time being, I'm going to experiment with CF 
8 and its Ajax and image handling features (things I've wanted built into 
CF for a long time).

Anyway...that means I also need to find a CF 8 host.  I've found some 
highly recommended hosts starting at USD$25.  But are there any affordable 
but good CF8 hosts in the USD$15 range?   Most of my clients don't have a 
problem with $25/mo but some do so I need an alternative.

Thanks in advance for your help!


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