thanks for your answer, Dave!

setting up virtual Apache servers - something tells me it is not the
same as vhosts, is it?
but google seems to think it is... could you point me to where i can
find more info on how to set them up?

if it is same as vhosts, then that's how i have it set up, too.

i was following Matt Quackenbush's instructions in setting up cf9 with
cf8 from here:
and, as i said, everything works just fine except the src attribute of
external scripts cf inserts into the page ends up prefixed with the
instance's context root /cf9...

your help is very much appreciated, Dave.

Azadi Saryev

On 11/12/2009 22:29, Dave Watts wrote:
>> i have changed my dev environment to a CF8 multi-server setup, and then
>> installed CF9 as an instance in it.
>> cf8 instance has context root set to /, and cf9 is set to use /cf9
>> context root.
>> this all is on Win XP with Apache 2.2 as web server.
> In general, I would recommend that you install CF 9 as multi-server,
> and then install CF 8 as an instance in that. This guarantees that you
> get the latest version of JRun. Honestly, I'm not sure if there are
> any differences between the version of JRun with CF 8 and with CF 9,
> but I wouldn't be surprised if there were some small,
> poorly-documented differences.
>> also, can both my cf8 and cf9 instances have context root set to / ?
>> i have tried changing cf9 instance's context root to /, but if then
>> fails to restart the service it seems...
> You can't have two J2EE apps with the same context root attached to
> the same virtual web server. The context root is used by the web
> server (or more accurately, by the JRun module installed into the web
> server, I guess) to determine how to route requests.
> In my own case, I've simply set up multiple virtual web servers - easy
> enough to do in Apache - and configured my CF instances to point at
> those web servers. They can then all have the "/" context root.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
> instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
> Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
> Visit for more information!

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