Hi all, I understand the gist of cftransaction, but I've tried using it with a 
conditional rollback on an action page in the below example and it doesn't seem 
to work. saveDataToDatabase() submits data to a stored procedure, which always 
returns a string: empty string if the data was saved, or a message stating what 
the problem was if not.

<cfset allReturnMessages = "">
      <cfset returnMessage = someCFC.saveDataToDatabase()>
      <cfset allReturnMessages = allReturnMessages & returnMessage & "<br>">
  <cfif len(trim(allReturnMessages))>
     <cftransaction action="rollback" />

I'm not including cftry in this example, just to illustrate that I'm not 
looking for a database or other type of CF error per se - rather, I'm looking 
for any return message from the stored proc that isn't an empty string, such as 
"sorry - everything is otherwise kosher, but this stored proc is coded not to 
save the data if field x is above value y". That's not a database error as far 
as CF is concerned, so cftry wouldn't catch it. But in testing this code, I've 
found that the rollback doesn't take place, even when the cfif statement is 
true. Am I not using cftransaction correctly? 

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