That is an XP only issue.  IIS in Vista allows multiple sites.  There was an
interview with the guy that was in charge of IIS development that said they
learned their lesson from crippling IIS in XP and wouldn't do it again
(apparently there was a lot of backlash from developers on this one)


-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Cobb [] 
Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 7:55 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: IIS & ColdFusion Developer, best practices for setting up
multiple sites

ColdFusion is not going to be your problem, IIS is.  If you're talking 
about setting this up on a desktop OS, then IIS isn't going to let you 
do it.  I know in XP (and pretty sure about Vista), IIS can only have 1 
website.  You can only have multiple sites in IIS on a server OS.

There are hacks and specialty software you can use to get around this, 
but natively IIS isn't going to let you do it.


Eric Cobb

Jeff F wrote:
> I'd like to set up my development environment to match what I've got on
the server, namely multiple sites under IIS with each site acting as root. 
> Can anyone offer any tips and what they do that works well? Is there an
issue or special consideration with ColdFusion Developer edition in setting
up multiple sites under IIS? 

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