> <Directory /export/home/path/to/our/cfide/scripts>
> Order deny,allow
> Allow from .apps.cdpr.ca.gov
> </Directory>

To answer my own question -- I think>  Upon a third and forth reading of the 
documentation I think I understand what is happening here, which is basically 

Order deny, allow 
This says process all deny directives then process all allow directives and 
then allow anybody who is not covered by either of them.

Allow from .apps.cdpr.ca.gov.  
If you are from the apps.cdpr.ca.gov domain you are allowed in.

There are *no* deny directives so nobody is denied.

Everybody left (which is everybody) are allowed in.


This is actually what we want for this directory, but I think I will rewrite 
this <directory ...> block to make it a bit clearer that this is the desired 

Thanks for listening

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