Leigh - just to clarify, I wasn't suggesting the straightforward loop
w/conditional was more straightforward/legible than the UDFs on cflib... I
meant in general compared to some of the suggestions so far in this thread.

Not taking anything away from any the suggestions themselves... they're all
good and I'm glad to see people making an effort to help and answer

My answer was just... keep it simple :)

On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 6:03 PM, Leigh <cfsearch...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> > Wouldn't it be pretty straightforward and more legible to
> Yes, it should not be that hard to implement and probably with less code
> than one of those udf's. But the other looks elegant enough. You might see
> if it does the trick first, before re-inventing the wheel.

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