I guess you could just encode & escape the strings yourself. As you can see 
you cannot use ' as part of a variable name nor can you use -, % etc. etc.

This might be a lil' bit time consuming but you can do something like this:

<cfset temp=Replace(temp,"'","_1","ALL")>

That would intially take care of the ' in the variable name & replace it 
with _1. Then if you ever needed to replace the _1 back into a ', just 
change the code on below inside the processing page. Now you could go on a 
numbering scheme here for every invalid character so ! = _1, @ = _2, # = _3 
so on & so forth.


>From: John Stanley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Alternative or Workaround to IsDefined
>Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 14:14:04 -0500
>I have a page that may or may not receive a variable from a referring
>template. The page is supposed to query a database and compare it's results
>to do a check with the following code:
>       counter refers to a value that is passed regarding the total number
>of hidden fields possible
>       hiddenfield(one through counter) are the actual hidden fields
>       <cfloop index="saveindex" from="1" to="#counter#">
>               <cfset temp_hidden = "hiddenfield#saveindex#">
>               <cfset temp_hidden = #Evaluate(temp_hidden)#>
>               <cfquery name="get_temp_object"
>                       select *
>                       from page_edit_settings
>                       where screen_id = #rpt_num#
>                        and objectname =       '#temp_hidden#'
>               </cfquery>
>               <cfset temp = #replace(get_temp_object.objectname,'
>               <cfif isDefined("#temp#")>
>                       <cfset donotprint = 1>
>               <cfelse>
>                       <cfset donotprint = 0>
>               </cfif>
>               ....more code...
>       </cfloop>
>       --->>>> this code works fine and dandy until you introduce a weird
>character like a "-" or a single quote for the object name that is returned
>by the query. The value is getting passed as you can see below; but then 
>get the following error message:
>               Parameters
>URL Parameters:
>               An error occurred while evaluating the expression:
>               isDefined("#temp#")
>               Error near line 171, column 9.
>               Parameter 1 of function IsDefined which is now
>"MentalStatus'DONOTUSE" must be a syntactically valid variable name
>QUESTION: Is there another function that will check for the existance of a
>variable passed through the URL that is not so restrictive in the sysntax 
>allows ? I need to be able to let my clients enter whatever special
>characters they need for these fields. I do not think ParameterExists will
>work because the variable temp will need to be set dynamically, and
>therefore will exist, causing the function to return true every time. I 
>tried urlencodedformat by addingthe following code (<cfset temp =
>#urlencodedformat(temp)#>) and recieve the following error message:
>       An error occurred while evaluating the expression:
>               isDefined("#temp#")
>       Error near line 171, column 9.
>       Parameter 1 of function IsDefined which is now
>"MentalStatus%27DONOTUSE" must be a syntactically valid variable name
>  Any help would be appreciated.
>Thanks in advance,
>John Stanley
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