I have a client on MX7 who wants to migrate to CF9. I have a dev environment 
for them on my WinXP machine where I've configured MX7 to run with JRun's 
built-in web server. I've had that working for a long time with both regular 
and SSL connections.

I installed CF9 yesterday side-by-side with the existing MX7 install. The 
install was smooth and detected MX7, adjusted CF9's port numbers for no 
conflict, etc. Testing started well: MX7 over regular and SSL still worked and 
CF9 worked over regular HTTP. But I can't get CF9 to work with SSL. I installed 
a new certificate with keytool, FireFox (v3.6) complained about it being 
unsigned, I added it to the exception list, and now I get this:

Secure Connection Failed
An error occurred during a connection to localhost:9101.
Peer reports it experienced an internal error.
(Error code: ssl_error_internal_error_alert)

I've been Googling that in all variations but can't find much help to get past 
this. I don't see any info in any log files either. FWIW, here's my SSL config 
from SERVER-INF/jrun.xml:

  <service class="jrun.servlet.http.SSLService" name="SSLService">
    <attribute name="enabled">true</attribute>
    <attribute name="interface">*</attribute>
    <attribute name="port">9101</attribute>
    <attribute name="keyStore">{jrun.rootdir}/lib/mykey</attribute>
    <attribute name="keyStorePassword">*deleted*</attribute>
    <attribute name="trustStore">{jrun.rootdir}/lib/trustStore</attribute>
        <attribute name="deactivated">false</attribute>
        <attribute name="bindAddress">*</attribute>
        <attribute name="clientAuth">false</attribute>

Anyone here know of any issues re setting up SSL and CF9? Anyone had success 
with it?


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