We're seeing some weird behavior on one of our applications.

It looks like if we check "use j2ee session variables" in the admin,
the our Application.cfc's onSessionStart() isn't called.  (I put a
dump and an abort in onSessionStart() to verify it).

Is there something different about j2ee variables that could cause
this? Or some special setting in Application.cfc we need to use?  I've
checked the web-inf/web.xml session-timeout setting to make sure it's
longer than the CF settings.

Here's the basic abbreviated code from application.cfc:
        <cfset this.sessionManagement = true>
        <cfset this.sessionTimeout = CreateTimeSpan(0,0,20,0) />

        <cffunction name="onSessionStart">
                <cfdump var="here">
                        // sign up form
                        session.stSignupForm = structNew();


The dump of "here" doesn't show up with j2ee session variables checked.



Scott Brady

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