I posted yesterday about using CFPDFForm and iText, but it kind of got pushed 
to the side with all the CFBuilder chat.
My question now is what is the best practice when using CFPDFForm to create a 
If I specify a destination the PDF is created and the form data is there, but 
it appears the PDF is not flattened.  If I open the PDF in Acrobat make no 
changes and try to close the document Acrobat asks if I want to save it.  It is 
like the PDF made by CFPDFForm is not flattened or complete.
I had to run <CFPDF flatten="yes" …> after my CFPDFForm code to get iText to 
play well with the PDF.
Is it best practice to use CFPDF to flatten a PDF made by CFPDFForm?  It really 
slows down the page run time if I add it.

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