That's pretty much how we handle it.

We have a single branch that gets created at the beginning of each week,
forked from the trunk. All minor changes get committed to that branch during
the week, then merged into the trunk.

When a new project is created, changes are committed to it, then merged into
the current weekly branch, then into the trunk.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Gladnick [] 
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 11:35 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: How are other developers handling big SVN repositories?

We have about 8 or 9 engineers and QA people working on a big cf
application, all stored in SVN.  The way we currently handle source control
is at the outset of each mini-project, then one or two developers will
branch the svn and work on that until they're done, then QA will merge the
changes back into the trunk.

The problem has become, we now have like 30+ branches, about 8 of which are
used regularly, and QA is getting into merge hell.

So....How do other developers handle svn with large projects and multiple

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