Unfortunately, aliases are not available in a WHERE clause..  I've asked 
this before in various different places, and the response has always been 
the same.

At 01:17 PM 12/15/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi all.
>I was wondering, is it possible to use aliases in an sql where clause?
>We recently reorganized a bunch of data into new tables, and I am having to
>go back and update the templates that get data from the old tables, so that
>they get data from the new tables.
><cfquery name=qcfdefaultSearch datASource="FSLibrary">
>SELECT          events.EventID AS EVENT_ID_NUMBER, events.EventTitle AS 
>MIN(dates.EventDate) AS EventBeginDate,MAX(dates.EventDate) AS EventEndDate,
>contacts.ContactPhone_AC AS mainContactAreaCode, contacts.ContactPhone AS
>mainContactPhone, contacts.ContactEmail AS mainContactEmail,
>contacts.ContactFax_AC AS mainContactFaxAreaCode, contacts.ContactFax AS
>mainContactFax, venues.VenueName AS EventVenueName, venues.VenueCity AS
>EventVenueCity, venues.VenueState AS EventVenueState
>FROM            dbo.tbl_EP_Events AS events, dbo.tbl_EP_EventDateTime AS 
>dbo.tbl_EP_Venues AS venues, dbo.tbl_EP_EventContacts AS contacts
>WHERE           (EventBeginDate #dateCompare# #searchDate# and 
>events.EventScopeID =
>and                     contacts.ContactID = events.EventMainContactID
>and                     venues.EventVenueID = events.EventVenueID
>and                     dates.EventID = events.EventID
>ORDER BY EventBeginDate #SortOrder#
>the problem is that the template chokes when I try to use WHERE
>(EventBeginDate #dateCompare# #searchDate# and events.EventScopeID =
>#eventScopeVariable#)  it seems that it doesn't like the alias in the where
>clause.  I tried using MIN(dates.EventDate), but that doesn't work either.
>Is it possible to use aliases in the WHERE statement, or am I going to have
>to do this as two separate tables?
>Chris Martin
        Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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