I am having some issues figuring this one out. The code was all working with 
ColdFusion 8, then we moved to a CF 9 server and discovered the code was no 
longer working. It seems like the grid never stops loading. I have placed the 
code snippets below and parts from the cfdebug window to show there is one 
result displaying. I can't figure out what changed from 8 to 9. Any assistance 
would be appreciated.

Main CFM file:

<cfform action="viewMsg.cfm">
 format="html" height="300" width="375" name="getMsg" pagesize="25" sort="yes" 
maxrows="1" selectmode="row" tooltip="testing tooltip" delete="yes" 
deletebutton="Remove Message" bindonload="yes">
                            <cfgridcolumn name="messages_isRead_updated" 
type="string_nocase" width="45" display="yes" header="Read">
                        <cfgridcolumn name="messages_id" display="no" 
                        <cfgridcolumn name="users_usernameDisp" display="yes" 
                        <cfgridcolumn name="messages_title" display="yes" 
                        <cfgridcolumn name="messages_date_sent" display="yes" 
mask="MM DD YYYY" header="Date Sent">
                    <cfinput type="submit" name="getMsgs" value="View Message">
                        <cfform name="sendMsg" action="sendmsg.cfm" 
method="post">            </cfform>

CFC file:

<cffunction name="dispMessages" access="remote" returntype="any">
        <cfargument name="page" default="1">
        <cfargument name="pageSize" default="25">
        <cfargument name="gridsortcolumn" default="messages_id">
        <cfargument name="gridsortdirection" default="ASC">

        <cfquery name="getMessages" datasource="#REQUEST.mssqlDSN#">
          select btvUser.users.users_usernameDisp, 
btvUser.messages.messages_id, btvUser.messages.messages_title, 
case when btvUser.messages.messages_isRead = 0 
            then 'New' 
            else 'Old' end AS messages_isRead_updated
            from btvUser.messages
            left outer join btvUser.users on btvUser.users.users_id = 
            where btvUser.messages.messages_to_users_id = 5 
                <!---    <cfif (isDefined('gridsortcolumn') AND gridsortcolumn 
neq "") AND (isDefined('gridsortdirection') and gridsortdirection neq "")> 
                order by #ARGUMENTS.gridsortcolumn# 
#ARGUMENTS.gridsortdirection#, messages_date_sent desc
                order by messages_id desc, messages_date_sent desc   
        <cfreturn QueryConvertForGrid(getMessages, arguments.page, 
arguments.pageSize) />


info:http: CFC invocation response: 
 This","May, 09 2010 08:25:36","New"]]},"TOTALROWCOUNT":1}

info:http: CFC invocation response: 
 This","May, 09 2010 08:25:36",0]]},"TOTALROWCOUNT":1}

info:http: Replaced markup for element: myCFWindow_body

info:widget: Selected tab, id: readMessages in tab container, id: messageArea

info:widget: Created grid, id: getSentMsg

info:http: HTTP GET 

info:http: Invoking CFC: messages.cfc , function: dispSentMessages , arguments: 

info:widget: Created grid, id: getMsg

info:http: HTTP GET 

info:http: Invoking CFC: messages.cfc , function: dispMessages , arguments: 

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