Hi all,
I could use a little help with this one as I can't seem to find a solution for 
this anywhere, and I have definitely been wasting too much of my time on 
something so small! Anyways, I am wondering if there are any known issues with 
the SpreadsheetFormatColumns function in regards to formatting datetime fields 
from sql? I have searched and searched, and tried every variation I could think 
of with the following code, but cannot get it to format the dates. I would 
definitely appreciate any feedback on this one, or if anyone knows of any 
issues with this.
Here is one of my code versions:
<cfset sObj=SpreadsheetNew()>
<cfset SpreadsheetAddRow(sObj, "Client,Leave Owner,Leave Number,Request 
Date,Leave Reason,Elig Confirmed Date,Packet Mailed Date")>
<cfset SpreadsheetAddRows(sObj, drilldowns)><cfset 
SpreadsheetFormatColumns(sObj, {dataformat="mm/dd/yyyy"}, "4,6-7")><cfset 
SpreadsheetFormatRow(sObj, {bold=TRUE, alignment="center"}, 1)>

<cfspreadsheet action="write"    name="sObj"    
filename="filename#dateformat(now(), 'mmddyyyy')#.xls"    overwrite="true">
I could very easily write this differently, or convert the fields in sql, but 
since I started this to try out some of the CFSpreadsheet stuff, I wanted to 
see if there was a solution while still using it this way.

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