
Can you elaborate on the problems you've seen loading Application
scoped objects into the request scope? We're having some problem with
this as well, re: garbage-collection. Is there any documentation you
can point me at for this issue?

What alternative do you recommend? Just always calling the
shared-scope object directly, instead of referencing the request
scoped object? For what it's worth, the request scoped object would
just be a pointer to the App-scoped object. So on request end, the
pointer should be set null, and should be garbage-collectable, right?


On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 3:22 PM, Andrew Clarke <> wrote:
> I took a quick read through your email and couldn't find anything inherently 
> wrong with the design IMHO.  Having 60 objects in the application scope I 
> presume is analogous to saying you have 60 singletons.  Let's say you have 10 
> simultaneous requests at any given point.  It's better to have 60 object 
> instances than 600 which is what you'd get if you put them in the request 
> scope or somewhere else.
> I also don't see any real issue to having 60 lightweight objects vs. 20 where 
> each one is 3x as large.  They aren't going to multiply as the server loads 
> up.
> Using application-scoped objects means that you will need to be very sure you 
> are scoping all your variables correctly to avoid bugs.  Also, be sure you're 
> not adding persistent objects like session or application objects into any 
> other objects like your request object.  I've had JVM GC issues when I've 
> done that as it seems that the request objects aren't garbage-collected 
> properly as they contain objects in the session or application scope.  Make 
> sure your variables are scoped properly, make sure you're not mixing your 
> persistent and non-persistent scopes together (like copying 
> into and you should be fine.
> - Andrew.

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