Hi Dominic,

I think when it comes to image files you will want to have some local
test files, because you can potentially run into issues with the way
different image editors save files. If you generate all your test
image files through your test code, then your test environment may not
represent real world scenario (unless you generate all the images used
in your system).

Pete Freitag
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On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 12:00 PM, Dominic Watson
<watson.domi...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> I'm writing a small utility to perform some image resizing with
> options such as 'limitFileSize', 'maintainAspectRatio', etc. and I'd
> like to write unit tests for this (something I'm new to). How would
> any of you l33t unit testers go about this? i.e. How would you source
> the images for the unit test? Have demo files local to the test
> scripts? Create the test images using cfimage within the test script?
> Any other ideas?
> Dominic

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