I'd be happy to test it out.
We currently use MyLittleAdmin, which is the only other web based MSSQL
management tool and is very good , so you should use this for reference.

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 9:16 PM, Justin Scott

> > I have been working on a web-based SQL Server database
> > management utility written in jQuery/ColdFusion in my
> > spare time over the past few weeks. Anyone who is
> > interested, please check it out at:
> Looks like it could be interesting, do you have a sample server/user/pw we
> could use to check it out (or code to download so we can run it locally)?
> Our database servers are firewalled to the outside world and I wouldn't
> dream of putting our SQL credentials into an outside system like this.  I
> would like to see it in action though.
> -Justin

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