I have a cfform inside an Ajax window and I am trying get the cursor to appear 
in the first input field when the window opens. I've tried the usual javascript 
solution but nothing seems to work for me. Any ideas? 

Extracted code from the module follows:

<div id="LoginDiv">
<cfif LoginMsg>
        <p>Please identify yourself, then press &quot;Submit&quot;</p>
        <p class="errormsg">Incorrect Access ID or Password. Please try 
<cfform id="LoginForm" onload="document.LoginForm.AccessID.focus();">
        <table id="LoginBox">
        <tr height="21">
                <td width="100"><b>Access ID</b></td>
                <td width="100"><cfinput name="AccessID" validate="range" 
range="1000,4999" value="#DefAccessID#" size="8"
                        required="yes" message="A valid Access ID is required" 
        <tr height="21">
                <td><cfinput name="Password" type="password" 
value="#DefPassword#" size="8" required="Yes"
                        message="A password is required" /></td>
        <tr height="21">
                <td colspan="2"><span class="fineprint">Remember me on this 
                        <cfset checked=IIf(DefRemember EQ 
                        <input type="checkbox" name="Remember" value="Yes" 
        <cfinput name="Submit" type="image" value="Submit" 
src="../Buttons/MSubmit.png"  />

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