>+1,000,000 for Jame's theory about string concatenation. CF is very
>inefficient at this. Doesn't matter much for small stuff and a few
>repeats, but for bulk, a Java buffer is the way to go.

Thanks to all those that ventured suggestions ...

There is a hint <above - Java Buffer> at what the eventual solution turned out 
to be.
By the way what the code was doing was to assemble a string out of 
from constant strings and dynamic data from queries and then writing that out 
to a file using <cffile>.

I replaced calls to <cffile> with calls to java.io.FileWriter and performamce 
improved on the benchmark data from 74 seconds to 8 seconds.  Pretty much a 
smoking gun pointed at <cffile> I would say.

The string concanenation inherent in my code is still there as it must be to 
perform the function I need.


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