For display you could try <pre></pre> which should preserve your line breaks
at least. It's been a while since I've used it so I'm unsure of it's
limitations. You could also try replacing chr(10) & chr(13) with <br> to
create html line breaks. As far as the strange characters it's probably the
weird open and close quotes etc that word uses. There's probably a regex out
there for doing the reformatting.

On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 9:40 AM, Monique Boea <> wrote:

> hello
> I am working on a app where users input their resumes.
> I am using a TEXT datatype for some of my fields for large areas of text
> i.e. Career Summary.
> The problem is when I output the text, there is not formatting to it and it
> looks like a large jumbled block of text.
> Some of the user cut and paste from Word, so there are strange characters
> in the data also.
> What is the best practice for storing and outputting large bodies of text?
> Thank you.

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