I'm having an odd issue with CFMAIL that comes and goes and I"m not seeing a
reason for it.

2 load balanced 64-bit windows 2003 servers with 8GB RAM and 2GHz Quad-core
processors running CF8

I have a mailer process which processes 1000 messages at a time and
alternates between the 2 web servers for relay (modifying the server
attribute of the cfmail tag).  Normally, this process can handle 1000
messages in under 15 seconds.  From time to time (now being one of those
times) it will take 3+ minutes to generate them.

>From what I can tell, the bottleneck is in the generating phase (where it
actually creates the messages and drops them in the Spool directory).  The
background process which actually sends the email files off to the relay
servers seems to be running normal.

I've tried setting the spooler to the disk or to memory and the speed is the
same (maybe slightly faster via the memory setting, but still takes several
minutes to complete 1000 messages).  I've got the following jvm settings:

*java.args=-server -Xms3072m -Xmx5120m -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false
-XX:MaxPermSize=192m -XX:+UseParallelGC -Xbatch*

Frankly I don't really know what some of that does but I know we are using
up a crapload of memory which I assume would be a good thing.

There's nothing else really running on these servers except IIS and CF8.
I'm at a loss right now.  Any ideas would be helpful.



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