With all due respect to all you far more OO-seasoned gentlemen than I,
this isn't the response I expected. Here's what I was thinking:

- On a gut level, though I appreciate the value of an object that
hides its internals completely and provides no access to them other
than through its methods, it still felt strange to me that instance
values, internal state, constants, etc, and methods were all dumped
into the variables scope, and indistinguishable from them, except by
diving through the properties array of the whole extends tree. Without
doing that, even the object itself can't know what the data fields
are, even internally, like for instance to iterate over them and ask
each one if it's valid. To some extent, getMemento is related to, and
my reaction to the need for, this kind of sometimes-necessary

- If you google "coldfusion getMemento", you'll find multiple
implementations. Perhaps these folks are all wrong-headed, but that
reinforced my sense that this was a useful tool.

- My first actual use case is to implement isDirty(). There are many
ways to go about this, and I'm curious what your best practice is.
  What I was thinking was to populate the bean, then call
setNotDirty(), which would call getMemento and save the result in an
internal field. When isDirty() was called, you'd iterate over the
fields in the object, comparing them to the saved values. This doesn't
break encapsulation, or put raw un-object data out there for the whole
world to see; it's internal.
  In this case, the answer to my actual question is that if you're
going to compare the raw data rather the results of getters,
getMemento should return the raw data; that's my initial inclination,
without having built it. If you're going to compare getter results,
getMemento needs to return them too.

- The second use case I was thinking of is serialization, where the
answer to my question seems to depend on where the data's going. If it
ends up on another server in an object just like this one, you'd
probably want getMemento to return the raw data, so it didn't run
through getter processing both before serialization and when getters
were called on the remote object. If it's headed for HTML rendering
through a js templating engine, unless you want to duplicate the
getter logic there, you probably want the getter values, with any
formatting and other logic they have. Obviously, getMemento() isn't
the same as serialize(), but it's arguable that serialize could call
it in the generic default case.

Maybe I'm just being OO-green to ask this question, but that's roughly
what was on my mind.

@Mike, I don't understand why you say you'd have to call getters to
get anything other than the default values. The value of
variables.myField will have changed if the object's setters were
called with data that's different from the defaults; it's not
necessary to call a getter to see that change. The difference is that
getters may have their own logic, to format the raw data, combine it
with other fields, etc, so the value in the variables scope may not be
the same as what the getter returns.


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