On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 12:36 AM, Mark A. Kruger <mkru...@cfwebtools.com> wrote:
> It's used by the installer - probably to register DLLs and add other stuff
> to the registry.  I've noticed that CF9 will check and install these
> libraries if it doesn't find them. ... but it seems like an awfully low
> level OS problem to be affecting a Java ap eh?

Dave is correct here, jvm.dll has a dependency on msvcr71.dll. In this
case jrun.exe would terminate immediately after msvcr71.dll was loaded
and write an error to the log file about not being able to load
jvm.dll. The fix was to copy a newer version of msvcr71.dll to
runtime\bin so CF used that and leave the older dll in system32.


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