Hi Stephen,

I happen to be writing some HTML form creating CFCs at this very moment 
so doing a quick test showed the result as it should (on CF8), the 
<fieldset> did not move in the source code but I should point out that 
what you have is not valid HTML and will break. Maybe your browser is 
trying to fix it.

On 5/12/2010 10:31 PM, Stephen Cassady wrote:
> OK - this took me a while to see what was happening, and need to confirm if 
> this happens to other people, or if this is expected behaviour.
> Create a cfc with this function
>       <cffunction     access="public"         
>                       name="test"
>                       output="true"
>                       returntype="string">
>          <cfsavecontent variable="local.selectlayout">
>          <table>
>          <fieldset>
>          <tr><td>test</td></tr>
>          </fieldset>
>          </table>
>          </cfsavecontent>
>       <cfreturn local.selectlayout>
>       </cffunction>
> invoke the cfc and output the return:
> <cfinvoke component="#application.cfc.email#" method="test" 
> returnvariable="returnedvar" />
> <Cfoutput>#returnedvar#</cfoutput>
> This is what I get:
> <fieldset>
> </fieldset><table>
> <tbody><tr><td>test</td></tr>
> </tbody></table>
> Note it shoves the fieldset outside the table, and adds tbody.
> Do I have something else (rogue code somewhere) that is forcing this 
> behaviour, or does this happen with you?
> Stephen



Kym Kovan

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