you can download OLE View from:


> Simon Horwith
> Certified ColdFusion Instructor
> Certified ColdFusion Developer
> Fig Leaf Software
> 1400 16th St NW, # 220
> Washington DC 20036
> 202.797.6570 (direct line)

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2000 10:53 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Finding the Class ID for a component

> I'm futzing around with a COM object and I keep getting this 
> error:
> | Error trying to create object specified in the tag.
> | COM error 0x800401F3. Invalid class string
> Now, I assume this is telling me I'm not giving it the CLSID 
> that it needs. If that is the case, does anyone know how I can 
> look up the class ID of the component I am trying to use? I've 
> looked all over Micorosft's site, but can't find anything and 
> Allaire's forum keeps timing out.

The likely cause of the problem is that you haven't registered your COM
object on your system. You have to do this before you can use it. To
register the component, find a copy of REGSVR32.EXE on your system, and run
it from the command line:

regsvr32 myobj.dll

Generally, you use a "friendly" name rather than a CLSID to reference most
COM objects. You can find CLSID values and other info about registered COM
objects by using the OLE/COM Object Viewer (OLEVIEW.EXE). You can get this
from somewhere on the MS site, I think, and with Visual Studio.

> Also, to make this CF related, does anyone know the syntax to 
> pass the CLSID when using cfscript to call the object instead 
> of <cfobject>?

If I understand correctly, you just want to know how to instantiate objects
within CFSCRIPT instead of using CFOBJECT. You can do this with the
CreateObject function, which I think was introduced in CF 4.5.x:

        myobj = CreateObject("COM", "MyObj.Name");

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444
        Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


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