> Grrr.... I've pretty much exhausted all my options now, this is driving me
> batty..


I think this is a bug in CF. I've made a small testcase on which I can
reproduce the error all the time:

1. Put the files in a wstest folder in your root.
2. create a file to test the web service : <cfset ws =

3. run the test file once. It should work properly.
4. rename wstest/result/function1Response.cfc (adding 1 at the end of
the file works just fine)
5. run the test file. It should complain about function1Response.cfc
not being found.
6. rename the cfc back to function1Response.cfc
7. run the test file. On my server (9.0.1) it alternates between
'java.lang.LinkageError : loader (instance of
coldfusion/xml/rpc/SkeletonClassLoader): attempted  duplicate class
definition for name: "wstest/result/Function1Response"' and
'java.lang.ClassNotFoundException :
wstest.result.Function1Response][java.lang.NullPointerException :

The error is cleared temporarily by:
- changing ws.cfc (adding spaces at the start for example);
- using the clearTrustedCache function like in your code.

If you can duplicate the error I will log this as a bug with Adobe.


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