Hmmm. I only answered part of your question.  The answer I gave should fix the 
403 issue.  

Are you sure cf is enabled?

Also I had issues with this also and blogged about it here.

I had linked to Geoff Bowers blog pig with very detailed instructions for 
getting coldfusion connected to apache on the Mac. However the link isn't 
working now.  I'm really wishing I had copied those down right about now. 

BUT it looks like Mark Drew posted the same information here.

Hope this helps

Wil Genovese

One man with courage makes a majority. - Andrew Jackson

On Dec 16, 2010, at 9:15 PM, Gerald Guido <> wrote:

> I have a nice shiny Mac Pro and CF9 and/or Apache is being difficult. The
> web connector ran fine but I am DL'ing index.cfm as a file when I try to hit
> http://localhost/cfide/administrator/index.cfm. I am also getting a 403
> message when I hit the root with out specifying index.cfm if that is of any
> matter. Everything else (php and html files) works fine. The apache error
> log did to show anything.
> On linux a reboot usually fixes the problem with DL'ing index.cfm but I have
> tried restarting CF, Apache and rebooting to no avail. I Googled  it and
> could not find anything that helped.
> I am 2 days into being a Mac owner so I am a total noob. Though I do know my
> way around Linux/LAMP if that helps any.
> Fresh patched OSX 10.6 install
> Mamp 1.9.4
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
> Thanx
> G!
> -- 
> Gerald Guido
> "Wait. We can't stop here. This is bat country."
> -- HST

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