Okay, finally figured this out: To make this work in CF8 (w/ chf4
applied), I had to change the returnformat to "plain", rather than
"json". Otherwise it escaped all the quotes used to construct the
JSON. This does not happen in CF9.

Searched and searched for this on the web to no avail - hopefully this
will save someone else some time.


> Was reworking a function today to use serializejson instead of
> building the json myself. Love this functionality. Unfortunately, I've
> run into a snag when I pushed this over to a CF8 box where it must
> run. The double-quotes on elements in the JSON returned are escaped
> when run from the CF8 box, but are not escaped (the desired format)
> when run from CF9.
> I checked hotfixes, and updated the CF8 box to chf4, which includes
> the functionality for returnformat=json.
> CF9 Format:
> {"COLUMNS":["CREATE_DT","ID","CMS_ID","NAME"],"DATA":[["December, 30
> 2010 19:16:31",32,"KJ301220101413",null],["December, 30 2010
> 18:33:45",31,"KJ301220101413",null]]}
> CF8 Format:
> "{\"COLUMNS\":[\"CREATE_DT\",\"ID\",\"CMS_ID\",\"NAME\"],\"DATA\":[[\"December,
> 30 2010 19:16:31\",32,\"KJ301220101413\",null],[\"December, 30 2010
> 18:33:45\",31,\"KJ301220101413\",null]]}"

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