Interesting tool, Russ... thanks for the tip.

Unfortunately, it didn't recognize my query
as a "Select", so it couldn't provide any insight.


-----Original Message-----
From: Russ Michaels [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2010 8:35 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Why does this sql cause MySQL 5 to hang?


give this handy tool a try, it is rather good.


On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 1:11 AM, Rick Faircloth

> Hi, all and Happy New Year! (early...)
> I'm trying to run this query:
> select     p.property_id, pl.propertyPhotoLink, o.office_name
> from       properties p
> left join  hmls_property_photo_links pl
> on         substring_index(p.mls_number, '_', 1) = pl.mlsNumber
> and        pl.photoLabel = 'Main View'
> left join  offices o
> on         p.listing_office_mls_id = o.mls_office_id
> order by   #arguments.jsSort2#    <--- this is "o.display_order_cbhr"
> limit      #itemsPerPage#         <--- this is currently 20
> offset     #mysqlOffset#          <--- this is currently 0
> But when I run it, MySQL hangs...
> If I remove the "order by" clause, it works.
> A fuller version of this query has been running fine, but when I added
> the "limit" and "offset" to it, I started having problems with MySQL 5
> spiking the CPU to 50% and never completing the query.
> Based on my searching, the order of "order by", "limit, and "offset"
> is correct.  I've tried moving them around anyway, with no change.
> Thoughts on this?
> Thanks!
> Rick

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