I know this is not a direct answer to your question, but in your scenario
you should not be using cfcase. You should be using cfif/cfelse since there
are only two possible conditions. Also remember that the Compare function is

-Mike Chabot

On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 2:08 PM, Orlini, Robert <rorl...@hwwilson.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> I have to compare 2 values.  I'm suing the cfacase and compare functions. I
> have them comapring well if they either less than in one comparision or
> equal to in another.
> How would I combine the cfcase to test whether the values are equal or less
> than? I tried  <cfcase value = "-1" or cfcase value = "0">. but I figured
> that would not work.
> See below.
> Thanks.
> RO
> <cfset comparison = Compare(FORM.string1, FORM.string2)>
>  <!--- Switch on the variable to give various responses. --->
>  <cfswitch expression = #comparison#>
>    <cfcase value = "-1">
>        <h3>String 1 is less than String 2</h3>
>        <I>The strings are not equal</I>
>    </cfcase>
>    <cfcase value = "0">
>        <h3>String 1 is equal to String 2</h3>
>        <I>The strings are equal!</I>
>    </cfcase>
> </cfswitch>

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