just tested it on Railo (don't have ACF at hand) and it worked fine.

you should specify a filename in your destination attribute, though...

just to test, do a <cfimage action="info" ...> and cfdump the variable.


On 24/01/2011 22:41 , Stefan Richter wrote:
> Just to follow up on this:
> adding something like&ext=.gif did *not* work. Sorry Ray ;-)
> If I try this:
>      <cfset THISFOLDER = "#Expandpath('./')#">
>      <cfimage
>        action = "write"
>        destination = "#thisFolder#"
>        source = 
> "http://www4b.wolframalpha.com/Calculate/MSP/MSP602219e3e3996gh5hbc100005fea4b2e9h4g4ccc?MSPStoreType=image/gif&s=16&ext=.gif";
>    >
> then CF still complains:
> The /calculate/msp/msp602219e3e3996gh5hbc100005fea4b2e9h4g4ccc image format 
> is not supported on this operating system.
> CF seems to ignore anything after the ?
> As mentioned before I managed to work around this by fetching the image over 
> cfhttp but cfimage would have been a lot more convenient.
> Cheers
> Stefan
> On 17 Jan 2011, at 15:20, Raymond Camden wrote:
>> Yeah I seem to remember that trick working in the past. You have to
>> assume your remote service doesn't care about a url param called ext.
>> To be safe, I'd use:
>> &rayrules=.gif
>> On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 9:13 AM, Stefan Richter<ste...@flashcomguru.com>  
>> wrote:
>>> Ah I see. Guess I could try this by appending&ext=.gif to the URL then...
>>> Thanks.
>>> On 17 Jan 2011, at 14:41, Raymond Camden wrote:
>>>> I think - stress think - CF handles the result based on the file name
>>>> in the URL. So if CF had seen foo.gif at the end, it would have
>>>> assumed a gif. In your case there is no obvious extension so maybe CF
>>>> didn't know what to assume.

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