We all have priorities and choices and there are pros and cons to all of them.

I also have a wife (of 11+ years now) and we're still paying off her
MBA loans (from Pepperdine). We have no human kids but we have a lot
of four-legged furry 'kids' that eat us out of house and home. And I'm
the sole breadwinner. Luckily my wife makes me spend money on stuff
for my consulting business (esp. in November / December as the end of
the tax year looms large) so each year normally sees an appropriate
amount of software and hardware purchased. And of course conference
attendance counts too (so, apart from missing me when I'm not home,
she's very supportive / encouraging of me attending conferences).

I know we've had this discussion before and I suspect we'll just have
to agree to disagree.


On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 7:45 PM, Eric Roberts
<ow...@threeravensconsulting.com> wrote:
> Yeah...wife...and an ex-wife, 2 kids (one lives with us, other with ex) plus
> 3 step kids (one lives with us)...plus wife is going to school and the step
> daughter that lives with us also has a daughter and is not employed so I am
> the sole breadwinner for the household...so yeah...300 is a shitload of
> money to me.

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