This might be an issue I've had to deal with before.

Do something to change the "fingerprint" (no idea what the correct term
would be) of the query - or restart cf. By change the "fingerprint", it
could be something as simple ad swapping p.* and pt.* (swapping as
in their ordinal position in the select clause). In the past, what has
happened is I'll have some query with at least one * in the select statement
followed by one or more columns and I add a column to whatever I was
selecting * from. If the query stays the same, it uses the same result-set
template (again, im making up words - no idea what its really called)  It
doesn't know to check the underlying structure of the table. But the newly
added column gets returned by the db - offsetting all the columns in the
rest of the result set.

So as crazy as it sounds - just change something in the sql, and give it a
try. It doesn't have to actually change anything about what the query does -
adding ,getdate() as helloworld will fix it - and then you can undo the
change after one successful run. I assume this is something on CF's side -
as restarting the CF service also fixes it.

On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 4:23 PM, Debbie Morris <>wrote:

> Since everyone should be in a SQL Join state of's another one.
> I have a weird issue that I haven't been able to narrow down yet. I'm
> trying to add a new field to one of my tables to store some additional
> information, but once I add the column, my previously working query breaks.
> Here's the query (obviously the person that originally wrote it is in the
> 'the fewer characters, the better' camp):
> SELECT p.*, pt.*, pm.Type AS mtype, s.fname AS sfname, s.lname AS slname,
> pa.DateActive AS PenAmountDate, pa.MonthlyAmount AS PenAmt, pa.Note AS
> PenAmtNote, s.SSN AS sssn, s.DOB AS sdob, spm.Type AS smt
> FROM   PensionerMedicalType spm
> INNER JOIN PensionerSpouse s ON spm.MedicalID = s.MedicalType
> RIGHT OUTER JOIN PensionersActive p
> INNER JOIN PensionerType pt ON p.PensionerType = pt.PensionerTID
> LEFT OUTER JOIN PensionAmounts pa ON p.PenActID = pa.PenID
> LEFT OUTER JOIN PensionerMedicalType pm ON p.MedicalType = pm.MedicalID ON
> s.SpouseID = p.Spouse
> WHERE  (p.PenActID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#id#">
> AND = 1)
> As soon as I add a column named 'lifeInsType' to the PensionersActive (p)
> table, I get the following error when the same query runs:
> Error Executing Database Query.
> [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver]Value can not be converted to requested
> type.
> What am I overlooking?

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