Ok, I may have missed the name out, but other times I definitely had a name 

When I said same error I meant the one where S3 support in CF now stopped 
working completely for me as it won't list any folder contents as it apparently 
does not recognise anything as a folder anymore. Yesterday I got a bit further, 
CF saw folders and tripped up over the modified date but today I don't even get 
that far...

Maybe you could supply me with an App.cfc that you think should work, and I'll 
try that with my directory listing logic?



On 10 Feb 2011, at 14:26, Raymond Camden wrote:

> If your code _really_ looks like that - your problem may be the lack
> of a name for the application.
> You said "same error", do you mean the one we both verified? I wasn't
> saying _that_ would go away. I was more concerned with why your script
> based setup worked and not your tag based.
> On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 7:35 AM, Stefan Richter <ste...@flashcomguru.com> 
> wrote:
>> Hmm I am getting confused now. Here's what I tried:
>> <cfcomponent>
>>    <cfset this.Sessionmanagement=true>
>>    <cfset this.s3.accessKeyId = "xxxxxxxxx">
>>    <cfset this.s3.awsSecretKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxx">
>> ...
>> However when I tried again now it seemed to work (setting the keys that 
>> is)... but I got the same error about my bucket not being a folder. I made 
>> sure to re-init those vars.
>> Regards,
>> Stefan
>> On 10 Feb 2011, at 13:23, Raymond Camden wrote:
>>> No, you said a script based App.cfc worked, but not tag based. I'd
>>> like to see your tag based App.cfc that failed.
>>> On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 7:09 AM, Stefan Richter <ste...@flashcomguru.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Sure, it is simply this:
>>>> <cfset files = directoryList("s3://blah.site.com")>
>>>> <cfdump var="#files#">
>>>> Is that what you need?
>>>> The above worked yesterday (falling over on the modified date issue), but 
>>>> I've just tried again and now it won't work at all. Now I get this error 
>>>> when trying to list by bucket root contents:
>>>> An error occurred when performing a file operation listFiles on file /.
>>> I'll file a bug report on it.

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