Painting a target on your back there John :-)

Unfortunately having an opinion that is not 100% positive about CF or Adobe
brings out the worst Trolls who really have nothing constructive to add and
just get their rocks off by making rude and obnoxious comments, which is
simply not called for and really some people should know better and be more

I agree with your concerns and can understand where they come from, but I
also think that perhaps you are being overly pessimistic and assuming the
worst. I can understand why anyone would assume the worst about outsourcing
to India, it has a bad rep and most people who have had to deal with
outsourced support will have been driven to tearing their hair out at some
point. But as has been said, this is not really outsourcing as Adobe have
offices and staff there and have had for a long time.

Your suggestions for improvements however are fair and seems like they would
be beneficial regardless of whether you consider this to be FUD or not.

Best of luck with the the oncoming flotsam.


On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 7:53 PM, William Seiter <> wrote:

> Got it, thanks everyone for the google cache link...  must be a bad brain
> day monday for me....  ;)
> William
> ----------
> William E. Seiter
> On Feb 14, 2011, wrote:
> It's cached by Google..
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: William Seiter []
> To:
> Sent: Mon, 14 Feb 2011 19:08:14 +0000 (GMT)
> Subject: Re: Change in ColdFusion management
> Anyone have Adam's announcement?  I keep trying to access it and get a
> blank page.
> Thanks,
> William
> ----------
> William E. Seiter
> On Feb 14, 2011, wrote:
> In case people don't know and many may not due to the way it was announced
> late last friday, there is a debate going on with the recent change in
> Adobe's management of Coldfusion. Whether you agree with my concerns or not,
> it's important that everyone get a chance to voice their opinions on this.
> Here a the blog posts to look at...
> Adam's announcement
> My reaction
> -there are comments that add additional problems to this move
> Brian Meloche's reaction
> John
> twitter: john_mason_

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