I've not used RDS (yet) due to the costs involved but it certainly is an 
attractive option as your operations grow as backup and replication are 'built 
in'. Overhead that would make it unusable? Why do you think that? It's designed 
to perform well.

However what I have used (in fact just put live into production recently) is 
MySQL on EC2 using two micro instances in a Master-Slave setup. Arguably this 
will work fine for small to medium sized sites which run less complex queries. 
So far it is working a treat for a site that pushes around 2,000 daily sessions 
and a  few thousand inserts (mainly logging) and a few simple CRUD queries. 

My setup is as follows:
- 2 EC2 micro instances running Ubuntu 10.10 and MySQL 5.1
- One MySQL instance configured as master, the other as slave. CF talks to the 
master. This allows me to dump the slave daily without table locks on the 
master database.
- MySQL dumps daily to S3 using s3fs (allows you to mount an S3 bucket as a 
- slave talks to master on the EC2 private IP
- if my master was to go down for any reason I could switch the elastic IP over 
to the slave and resume very quickly that way. With EC2 this can also be 

I'm by no means an EC2 expert but have spent the last two weeks experimenting a 
lot with the platform. The more I learn about it the better it gets. One thing 
that I have not yet figured out is how to work around the one-IP-per-instance 
limit - I need two services on port 80 (FMS and Apache) on another instance but 
this does not seem possible at this time... :-/



On 18 Feb 2011, at 04:57, Chris . wrote:

> Stumbled onto Amazon RDS (link: http://aws.amazon.com/rds/) and the concept 
> from what I'm reading at least, sounds great.
> I currently use shared hosting with CF and MySQL.  I'm pouring over the 
> documentation but most of it is over my head as I'm not familiar with Amazon 
> web services and/or MySQL server administration.
> From what I'm getting though, I can create the MySQL database there, import 
> data into it, and then connect to it from the CF server during CFQUERY calls.
> Has anyone looked into this or tried something like this?  I'm skeptical and 
> imagine there'd be overhead that would make it unusable but I'm not finding 
> anything to back that up.. 

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