On 2/26/2011 10:08 PM, Pete Ruckelshaus wrote:
> OK, just not my night with decimal values.
> Trying to store distances (for throwing and jumping events), which are
> measured in feet and inches.  In order to maintain proper sort order, I
> decided to convert feet and inches (with fractions of an inch as decimal
> value) to inches with fractions of an inch as decimal values.
> Again, database is SQL Server 2008, and I'm using cfqueryparam.  Data type
> for the column in question is decimal(18, 4), and I'm using CF_SQL_DECIMAL
> as the cfsqltype value.  I can see in the debug output that the decimal
> portion of the value is part of the value to be inserted, for instance,
> 825.25, but looking at the database table, the stored value is  825.0000

Why not store two fields; one for feet and one for inches. That seems
like the easiest way to do it other than just use one float for both.
The decimal issue is probably more a database issue than a CF issue.

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