On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 11:21 AM, Dave Watts wrote:

> > If, however, multiple methods do not call that private method, then there
> is
> > no need for the private method to exist.
> I wouldn't go as far as that. Private methods like this can serve the
> same purpose as functions or subroutines anywhere else - to limit the
> amount of code in the "main" method, and to provide a basis for
> refactoring if other methods may be introduced in the future.

That's the beauty of refactoring, though.  Unless you need to, don't.  And
if no other method is calling it (or expected to call it), then it is not
needed.  If it becomes needed, refactor and add it in.  :-)

Either way, though, the arguments should be clearly defined.

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