HIPAA is your friend here and will guide you down the path of telling them
no, that is not allowable unless certain measures are taken (authentication
onto the machines, encrypted hard drives, etc.),


On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 10:57 PM, sandeep saini <sandeep00...@yahoo.com>wrote:

> I plan to create a website for a health care center(physical therapy). The
> client wants to store patients data, their day to day
> measurements(excercises,weights, strengths etc).
> I am afraid storing all this info on some outsite hosting company(server).
> So just thinking to put code files/DB/server on a laptop and than share that
> among other ones using wifi network. The client wants to access this website
> just in his facility.
> Am I doing right thing?
> Is there any legal issue I should look into while creating one?
> Thanks

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