Hi, Michael...

Have you eliminated the possibility that some of the
files you working with on this run through are causing

Did you run these files through CF8 to see if they work

I haven't worked with converting images > avi > mpg, so I
have no experience with the process, but thought it could
perhaps be a corrupt source file causing a problem.


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Reick [mailto:mich...@widgethq.com] 
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2011 1:45 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: CF9 cfexecute issues.

Let me just say I hate CF9 so far. I just upgraded from CF7 and it's been an
absolute nightmare.

The current nightmare I'm dealing with is a template that will not return or

I've got a global timeout set in the admin.

I've tried setting a page timeout with <cfsetting requesttimeout>.

On the template itself, I've got a bunch of cfexecutes doing command line
batch processing.
Roughly 30 doing imageMagick image manipulations (which I could probably
combine into one batch file, now that I think about it.)
And two problem children.  One that runs a batch file that converts the
images into an .avi file.  This one takes awhile, about 9 minutes.
And a second batch file that runs ffmpeg to add an mp3 file and convert that
avi into an mpg.

I've tried putting timeouts on the cfexecutes for the last two and nothing.
The page never returns.  The thread shows up in Server Monitor, and goes
away 10 minutes or so later,
but the page just hangs.  I've even tried putting a <cfabort> after the last
cfexecute, but nothing. The log file just shows the steps in the batch file,
which is simply migrating 
to the directory and calling the .vbs file, or ffmpeg on the appropriate
files.  When I run the bat files on the server logging in with the same
as CF runs under, the command prompt pops up for the appropriate amount of
time, then goes away.

<cfexecute name="c:\windows\system32\cmd" timeout="600" arguments="/c
#pathToBatFile#createAVI.bat" outputFile="c:\logs\createAVI#IDField#.txt" />

Once I get it running correctly, I'll probably move it to another server and
schedule it, but I need it working correctly first.

Any ideas?  I'm going nuts here. 

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