I should also add that the PHP example works fine on the same box:
$t_xMaker = new COM("ACAWebThumb.ThumbMaker")

Also on the same server I am able to use other (.NET) DDLs, for example in this 
<cfobject type=".NET" name="presentation" 
class="Aspose.Slides.Pptx.PresentationEx" assembly="#slidesDLL#">
<cfset presentation.init("#pptFile#")>



> Hi all,
> I'm trying to use a third party DLL called ACA Webthumb http://www.
> acasystems.com/en/web-thumb-activex/
> I've installed this on a Windows 2008 server running CF 9.0.1
> I'm having issue instantiating the library in CF. I'm using the 
> supplied sample file that came with ACA. Here's the problematic line 
> from it:
> WebThumbMaker = CreateObject("Com", "ACAWebThumb.ThumbMaker", 
> "local");
> This results in error:
> An exception occurred when instantiating a COM object.
> The cause of this exception was that: java.lang.RuntimeException: Can 
> not use native code: Initialisation failed. 
> I also tried using a tag based syntax specifying the DLL directly:
> <cfobject type=".NET" name="aca" class="ACAWebThumb.ThumbMaker" 
> assembly="C:\Program Files (x86)\ACASystems\ACA WebThumb ActiveX 
> Control\acawebthumb.dll">
> Error:
> Class ACAWebThumb.ThumbMaker not found in the specified assembly list.
> The assembly that contains the class must be provided to the assembly 
> attribute. 
> Does anyone have any tips?
> Best wishes,
> Stefan

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