> Yes, your error messages may need some help, but a combination
> of usage and proper error handling (too often ignored) can go a long
> way towards saving your bacon.

Perhaps I'm going a little overboard, but my personal philosophy is
that it shouldn't be possible for an end-user to generate a ColdFusion
error message.  Proper error handling is an absolute must so you get
notified of errors that do occur, but I will generally massage the
incoming data before passing it into a query (which uses cfqueryparam,
of course).  If I have a numeric ID, I'm going to
min(abs(val(trim(url.id))), 2000000) that variable before it ever
makes it to the query (forces a positive in-range integer or zero; the
two billion value can be modified if you're using larger numbers in
your situation; an error can occur if the integer value is out of
range so I force it in range as well).

There is something to be said for getting notified when an attack is
in progress, but I'd lean on the side of logging unusual requests and
sending a notice when the app sees greater than X unusual requests
within a certain time period so I can check it out.  It's very rare
that the error notification on my sites ever need to kick in, and it
becomes an event when they do rather than thousands of error emails
getting generated from an automated attack.

Kudos to the original poster for making sure they used some protection
though.  Attackers don't care what your deadline looked like when the
app was written and their automated scanning tools don't care how big
your site is, so you have to assume they're going to probe long and
hard regardless of the size of the site.


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