No - standard text field. That doesn't mean they couldn't copy-and-paste from 
something else but, given the size of the answers (they are enteriing county 
names, one, maybe two), I find that very unlikely. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Russ Michaels [] 
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 4:12 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: CF form puzzler

how is the content getting entered, is it a WYSIWYG editor ?
If so then  your users are probably copying and pasting content from WORD and 
thus you get al the word markup.
You need to do some auto cleanup of the content to avoid this, CKEDITOR has 
this built in.

On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 8:42 PM, Stephens, Larry V <>wrote:

> I'm leaving out some code here (for other fields):
> <cfform action="Register_Step_2_Response.cfm" method="post">  <cfinput 
> type="text" name="ProjTitleUrl" size="20" maxlength="50"> </cfform>
> In the response file:
> <cfparam name="FORM.ProjTitleUrl" default=""> INSERT INTO Positions (
>                ProjTitleURL )
>        VALUES (
>                '#FORM.ProjTitleUrl#'); </cfquery>
> The other fields (I omitted here) in the form and in the insert query 
> all work fine but this one keeps doing screwy things. ProjTitleUrl is 
> a memo field (why I set it up that way I don't recall, but I don't 
> think that should make any difference over it being a text field; and 
> why I put a maxlength in with a memo field I can't remember). I keep 
> seeing html charcters in the field and the latest entry has 300-400 
> lines of MS Word html code and, at the very end, the true entry  
> Pierce &amp; Madison Co.s
> I imagine "Co.s" is just a typo by the user, but I'll bet money they 
> used & not &amp; when they input this.
> This is running on a CF8 server and I haven't seen anything like this 
> on any other page I have there. I just made a similar entry myself and 
> it comes out fine. Anyone have a clue why all this extraneous stuff is 
> getting inserted? Could it be caused by a particular browser?
> Larry Stephens

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