Actually the chart editor is old. Go to your cf root, charting, and
run webcharts.bat (or the Unix flavor). It's a graphical editor that
spits out a style XML you can use in cfchart. Search my blog for
cfchart. I've got a butt load of entries on it that talk about this
tool and custom XML. (And I'll have an entry for this at lunch.)

On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 9:50 AM, Jenny Gavin-Wear
<> wrote:
> Hi Ray,
> I'm guessing the cart editor is new since CF 7, sadly I'm on Cf 7.  This is
> what I have:
> <cfset chartdate = createdate(session.year, session.month, datepart("d",
> now()))>
> <cfchart format="flash" chartwidth="400" chartheight="300" show3d="yes"
> labelformat="currency"
>  title="#session.mainCatDescr# Sales for  #dateformat(chartdate, "mmmm")#
> #dateformat(chartdate, "yyyy")#" xaxistype="">
> <cfchartseries  type="pie" itemcolumn="catSubDescr"
> valuecolumn="grandTotalPrice" query="subCats"></cfchartseries>
> </cfchart>
> Incidently, have your book (CFMX 7 construction kit)/ charts guide next to
> me as I type :) (Great book, ty!)
> Jenny
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Raymond Camden []
>>>Sent: 19 May 2011 15:07
>>>To: cf-talk
>>>Subject: Re: CFchart / currency
>>>I'll turn this into a blog post tonight, but I loaded up the Chart
>>>editor, went to Y-Axis, and picked Format. I changed the style to
>>>Currency, and unchecked "Sytem Locale." I picked Germany and it
>>>definitely worked. I also tried English/UK and it worked well too.
>>>Once you get the style you can then just use it in your chart tag.
>>>On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 8:54 AM, Jenny Gavin-Wear
>>><> wrote:
>>>> I have set locale to English(UK), getlocal confirms it.  I'm
>>>seeing pound
>>>> signs for lscurrencyformat correctly, but my cfcharts are
>>>showing dollars.
>>>> The server is set to English UK.
>>>> Is this a bug?
>>>> Thanks, Jenny
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