Agreed. Using CGI.HOST_NAME for dev/test/live switching opens you up
to all sorts of abuse.

Here's what I switch on:

createObject( 'java', '' ).getLocalHost().getHostName()

I have a configuration file that maps from all the known (partial)
hostname matches to different tiers. This allows each developer to
configure their environment how they want it (for example, enabling or
disabling debugging) while still using a single codebase. It also
makes it easy to configure our pre-production environment to use the
same setup (for e-commerce) as our production environment, while our
CI and dev/test envs all use sandbox credentials.

This was, until recently, an environment control interceptor in
ColdBox. We've just moved it to Clojure now so we can automatically
configure all our Clojure / Scala / CFML code the same way...


On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 9:09 AM, Raymond Camden <> wrote:
> What about an ecommerce system that hits the test ecom system when in
> dev mode? If I knew your code did that, or suspected, I'd try it and
> use one of the many common test CC numbers, like 4111111111111111.

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