Andrei, I want to point your attention to your comment.

" I am calling MY Web-site, I know EXACTLY what to expect"

As a veteran Software Analyst my first reaction is WTF!!! You might be
calling your server but you have absolutely no control over the users
machine, nor do you have any control over the users network connection, nor
do you have any control over their internet connection. Unless you are in an
Intranet situation, then you have your own restrictions and unforseen

Either way, you CAN NOT guarantee that the connection is going to be up
between receiving the page and requesting the data. I think you might want
to think a bit more about how connections work, and how to deal with them
when they could break how you let the user know that there might be a
problem with the internet connection or even network connection.

I think that your type of attitude is the wrong attitude to have when
working in this field.

Now having said that, there is also another GREAT and in my opinion much and
far better framework than jQuery out there.

You might want to take a look at ExtJS Core this is also a very free
framework, and provides in my opinion a much better way of doing things in
JS than what jQuery is. 

Just something to consider that jQuery is not the only good tool out there,
nor is it the best for all situations either.

Andrew Scott

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrei Kondrashev []
> Sent: Friday, 20 May 2011 6:16 AM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: ColdFusion and AJAX choices
> Didn't really wanted to start a discussion.  Just expressed my private
> applied to this particular situation, not really trying to make any
> claims.
> > 1) It's 90k minified
> Only 90?  Great!
> >2) Those 10 lines will inevitably be 1 line of jQuery
> No, my custom line will be 11th one.
> >3) Those 10 lines will work in your favorite browser; then you find
> >that IE x has some quirk you didn't count on, etc
> XMLHTTPRequest is the only thing (thanks Computer God!) that works the
> same way everywhere.  All browsers employ MS XMLHTTP interface.  Only
> difference is in the initialization process, and this is why it requires
10 lines of
> code, not 1 or 2.
> >4) You and Claude S will best friends, I can tell
> Does it mean I am blacklisted now?
> > jQuery core is only 229K uncompressed...
> This, of course, is much better than 300.
> >Do those 10 lines of code enable you to write different handlers
> >depending on the status code and success of the http call without any
> >fuss? Do they translate common response formats into plain js objects
> >for you?
> Yes, I could, but I don't need to, and I don't want to.  I am calling MY
> site, I know EXACTLY what to expect.  I don't want library function to
> checks for situations, which will never happen. I want to have my own
> interface that fits my needs better. Unless I forced to do so, I will make
> entire HTML cooking on the server-side (this is why we use ColdFusion) and
> just dump results to the browser, to avoid annoying freezes of client's
> browser, while it processes "JS objects", JSONs, XMLs, and created HTML on
> the fly.  If you move server-side processing to the client side, than yes,
> might need something like jQuery to help you with this.  But, from my
> of view, this is some different programming concept that significantly
> from the client-server paradigm that assumes that client must be as stupid
> and as simple, as possible.
> >To be clear, even on Edge or 56K dial-up, non-cached Jquery, with all
> >its built-in goodness, arrives in less than a really
> >can't imagine why rolling your own "just-enough" JS would be better.
> >At least when it comes to speed/performance
> This is because you think that 1 sec is a short time and can be ignored.
I have
> a different vision of this.  I would fight for this 1 sec.  As well as for
the size of
> browser's working set.
> >Clearly, use whatever you like...but...wrt your harvester analogy: when
> >the harvester is free, doesn't impact speed/performance, and will
> >handle the 10 square feet of grass and the 10 hectares of grass...I'm
> >not seeing the drawback of using it for both
> No, this is a wrong example.  The correct one is when you try to build a
> that simultaneously can be used as a truck, limo, and participate in
> And yes, it must be electrical.  Convertible?  Please...  Perhaps, you
> build something like this, but in reality it is much better to have 3 or 4
> DIFFERENT cars for different purposes.  The only place where you can find
> piece of free cheese is a mousetrap...
> >jQuery (and other libraries) is well tested, well maintained, hugely
> >popular and well thought out. All these things will have an impact on
> >the speed of development and quality of code, especially for someone
> >who wasn't coding before these things were commonplace.
> >Andrei's assertion that using jQuery in this case would be 'nonsense'
> >ignores these pertinent benefits and is itself nonsense.
> My definition of "library" is something that contains millions of books,
but I
> can come there and borrow a SINGLE book I need, rather than carry back
> home all millions books.  jQuery is a great exercise in JS programming.
> could imagine that so many things could be done in the browser!  All those
> flying DIVs and popping images are amazing and REALLY require significant
> amount of efforts to create and maintain, especially considering the
> "browsers war".  But what it has to do with my simple task of dynamic
> of the application screen?  Therefore, my word "nonsense" should be
> applied to THIS situation ONLY and should NOT be used in any other
> Again, I did not try to offend anybody.  The "best"
> language/tool/browser/etc. is the one you know.  For example, we all
> reading this post because we all love ColdFusion and think it is "the
> Want to learn an alternative point of view?  Go to PHP or .NET forums.
So, if
> you like jQuery, you comfortable with it, you totally trust and rely on
it, could
> quickly produce desired results, or just because it is an internal
standard of
> your company - USE IT.  But don't tell me this how EVERYBODY should
> program, because "this is the best", "everybody use it", "this is a common
> standard", "it increases (??) the code quality", and so on, and so on. By
> way, if people who created jQuery would think the same way, they would
> never created it in the first place, since it wasn't a "common standard"
> not "everybody" used it.
> There are always attempts in the programming community (in its manager's
> part especially) to declare something "the last and only thing you need"
> program and impose artificial "common standards".  This never worked
> before and will never work in the future.  Programming languages and
> libraries come and go.  This is how it always was and this is how it
always will
> be.
> I am not advocating for an anarchy.  Computer science is a pretty good
> developed area of discrete math, and base principles must be observed at
> any cost. Unfortunately, these days many "programmers" never even heard
> about Turing (Alan Mathison), but freely make claims about "standards",
> "best languages", etc. My [private] point of view is that any "standard"
> "common practice" must have a normal common sense behind.  Using a thing
> that requires 300K (sorry 229K) of code to perform a task that requires a
> lines of it, is beyond of my definition of "common sense".  Sorry.
> If you look at the original post that started this thread, you will see
> definition of the problem.  My claim is that I can program this particular
> without jQuery and results will be better.  Objectively better, not
because of
> questionable properties like "everybody", "best", "should use",
> etc., but because it will be faster, smaller, take less resources on
> computer, and because an author of the code can debug any possible error,
> not asking somebody else for help.
> If the original problem would be how to program a fancy-shmancy Web-site
> that never "sleeps", doesn't let me freely move cursor on the screen
> popping or moving something that I have to constantly kill, that dims my
> screen every 2 minutes and asks "Can we help you?" or "Call us", and
> provides additional annoying "services", then "YES" I would use jQuery,
> because I don't want to spend the rest of my life to program this, and
> because, obviously, nobody cares about the performance on such sites.
> Speaking about "common standards and trends" - hate this thing, I would
> recommend to look at CSS.  I myself didn't use it too much, always relying
> a Web designer, but now I use it and program more and more.  For example,
> look here:
> Ask yourself how much JS code you have (possibly, via jQuery) to support
> something that does not need JS at all?
> Good luck to everybody making living during these strange times using
> jQuery or without it...
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