Current security practices believe this is a bad idea.  If you could do
that then as the person running the site you would be able to get access
to all of your users passwords.

The password reset feature is safer. The user pick the password and the
system hashes it, that is all that is saved and it is one way (you can't
get the original password). Then when they try to log in again the
password they enter is hashed the same way and compared to the hash that
is saved.  If they match they get in, if not well they can always reset.


-----Original Message-----
From: cfcom [] 
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2011 12:28 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: SOT - adding password forgot function to Mura CMS

First, sorry for the SOT

The current version of MURA does not have a 'forgot password' feature.
It only gives the user a 'reset'

All the emails/passwords are encrypted in the database
Does anyone have a suggestion on how to add a traditional 'forgot
feature that will query the db and return the info to the user's email

Thank you for your consideration

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